氣流粉碎機與旋風分離器、除塵器、引風機組成一整套粉碎系統。壓縮空氣經過濾干燥 后,通過拉瓦爾噴嘴高速噴射入粉碎腔,在多股高壓氣流的交匯點處物料 被反復碰撞、磨擦、剪切而粉碎,粉碎后的物料在風機抽力作用下隨上升氣流運動至分級區,在高速旋轉的分級渦輪產生的強大離心力作用下,使粗細物料分離,符 合粒度要求的細顆粒通過分級輪進入旋風分離器和除塵器收集,粗顆粒下降至粉碎區繼續粉碎。
◆性能特點 Performance Features
No grinding media, no contamination from mill-ing,best classifying fineness and performance
Product size variable between d50:1~100micron
High-precision classifier included, to achievebest top cut
Milling temperautre no higher than 20℃,bestfor heat sensitive medicine milling
CIP/SIP design available(at your choice)
Key parts processed completely by CNC machine
Explosion proof design available
·符合GMP cGMP FDA認證要求
Up to GMP,cGMP and FDA cerifiction requirement
Jet nozzle designed by 3D software, materialfluidized, few residue